Monday, October 25, 2010

New class

So I met my new class for the first time today. Needless to say, everyone split into their own cliques immediately (people they already knew). I didn't know anyone besides my previous classmates.

Kinda awkward.

Also, the new hair colour is looking okay I guess. Will wait a while until I post up a pic. In the meantime, feel free to point out my hair colour if you see me :P

Saturday, October 23, 2010

New Semester.

Okay, so apparently, we have to change classes every semester, which kind of sucks :/ I have a feeling I'll be the introvert guy again this coming semester.

On the bright side, I'm in the same class with Rick, Cheryl, Fish and Dorcas, so it's not too bad I guess :D\

I'm finally taking some film/video related course this semester, and the first one is "Camera and Lighting" From what I've read, we have to deal with camera and lighting equipment. Interesting. There's also gonna be theory tests as well, which worries me a little :P

Other than that, there's nothing much to talk about, school wise :P

I'll try to update this blog more often. :P

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thanks world.

Thanks for the good times,

and thanks for the times where you make me feel like an utterly worthless piece of shit.