Saturday, August 14, 2010


I just got back from spending an entire day at "Universal Studios" at Sentosa. We tried almost all the rides there.

As I'm typing this, I'm lying down on my bed with aching legs, but I'm happy :)


Ben You talked about Singapore's society a little while ago. We discussed about how society expects us to get the highest form of education, get a relatively high paying job, get a wife and kids etc. We also talked about how parents would usually compare their children with other children. Ben You jokingly blamed this on the aunties and said that society would be better off without them.

He also said that if it was possible, he would just "fuck off" from his Singaporean life and start anew somewhere else. Of course, with the mindset of Singapore's society, it would be virtually impossible.

We all felt that Singapore right now is still pretty close-minded and conservative. "Nowadays, if you try something different, people will think you are weird or look down on you."

Maybe I'm thinking too much.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

You know that feeling...

... when you meet an online friend who lives overseas that you've known for a few years?

Well, most of you haven't have that experience, but I'm glad that I had that opportunity :)

I know I look goofy, but that's beside the point :P

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 2 - Your Crush.

Hoo boy, here we go.

Dear Bernadette,

Thanks for all the good memories; all those MSN conversations and webcam sessions. :) I remember first talking you because I recognized your drawing online that appeared in a local anime magazine. I remember meeting you in person for the first time and we went to watch Spiderman 3. I'll absolutely never forget Singaporatics and "How to be a Singaporean". And I'm glad we're still friends. Good friends in fact :)


Dear Joey,

I remember first meeting you during my chinese tuition class. You looked quite fierce at first, then I realized you were quite the friendly person. :D I liked how you were so open minded about everything. I remember making that Tom and Jerry pop up book thing for you as a gift during our last lesson together. Even though we don't talk anymore, good times were had :)


Dear Christel,

You could have at least said something. :S

Day 1 - Your Best Friend.

I don't really have a "best" friend, so I'll just write a collective letter to the close ones.

Dear "best" friends I've made,

Thanks for being my first internet and Finnish friend (even though we've lost contact). Thanks for sitting beside me in class when no one else would. Thanks for always hanging out with me during recess time. Thanks for all the jokes. Thanks for always inviting me over to play Halo 3. Thanks for all the awesome stayovers at your place. Thanks for telling me to present myself better. Thanks for the cyclops sunglasses (which I occasionally wear out from time to time.)

Those were some good times yeah? :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And life goes on.

Thank you, Jaspas and Loretta :)